Soft Services
EYE Facility Management offers you a set of services, which create a safe and healthy environment for your employees.Respecting the environment, we help you reduce your environmental footprint, with solutions tailored to your needs.
Together we design your exclusive Soft Services plan, which is implemented by continuous monitoring and evaluation of its results.
Cleaning services
Experienced and trained staff with environmental awareness and proper management of the modern equipment it uses, undertakes to keep the premises of your facilities clean, disinfecting them and providing a healthy working environment.
Landscaping & Maintenance Services
The aesthetic configuration of the green spaces and their parallel maintenance and preservation, is achieved through a specific plan prepared by our carefully selected agronomists and is done with the help of our workshops, which consistently implement the set schedule given to them. The prudent management of water resources for the benefit of both the customer and the environment, are an integral part of the maintenance program of your environment.
Disinfection services
Following the principles of safety and health in the workplace and studying the specifics of your facilities, we take care of your complete protection from pests (rodents), rodents, reptiles and other pathogenic microorganisms. Through the creation of exclusive disinfection and control protocols, we guarantee the efficiency of our services, giving you a clean and healthy environment.
Integrated Waste Management
Taking sustainable development seriously, we offer you services of safe management and transportation of hazardous waste, non-hazardous municipal waste and waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), complying with the standards of Greek and European legislation.
Recycling Services
We support you in reducing your environmental footprint by providing recycling services. Through systems design, implementation of recycling programs and elaboration of technical studies for the collection, transport and management of recyclable materials, we contribute to the strengthening of the environmental culture of your organization while reducing the cost of using recyclable materials.
210 6121719